
Monthly Panchangam Analysis

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Monthly Panchangam

A monthly Panchangam in Vedic astrology is an almanac or calendar that provides comprehensive astronomical and astrological information for an entire month. It is a valuable tool used by individuals in Hindu communities to plan various activities, rituals, and events in accordance with celestial influences. Here's a detailed description of the components typically found in a monthly Panchangam:

  1. Tithi (Lunar Day): The monthly Panchangam lists the Tithis for each day of the month. Tithi represents the lunar day and is determined based on the Moon's angular distance from the Sun. Each Tithi corresponds to a specific phase of the Moon and changes approximately every 24 hours.
  2. Vaar (Day of the Week): The Panchangam indicates the day of the week (Vaar) for each date in the month. The days of the week are named after the seven celestial bodies associated with Hindu mythology – Sunday (Ravi), Monday (Som), Tuesday (Mangal), Wednesday (Budh), Thursday (Guru), Friday (Shukra), and Saturday (Shani).
  3. Nakshatra (Lunar Mansion): Each day of the month is associated with a specific Nakshatra or lunar mansion. The Nakshatra represents the constellation through which the Moon is passing on that particular day. There are 27 Nakshatras in Vedic astrology, and the Nakshatra changes approximately every 24 hours.
  4. Yoga: The monthly Panchangam lists the Yogas for each day of the month. Yoga is an astrological combination formed by the positions of the Sun and the Moon. There are 27 Yogas in Vedic astrology, each representing a specific alignment of the Sun and Moon.
  5. Karana: Karana is half of a Tithi and is considered for auspicious and inauspicious activities. The Panchangam indicates the Karana for each day of the month. There are 11 Karanas in Vedic astrology, and each Karana lasts for one full Tithi cycle (approximately 24 hours).
  6. Sunrise and Sunset Times: The monthly Panchangam provides the times for sunrise and sunset for each day of the month. These timings are important for determining the beginning and end of various Hindu rituals and activities.
  7. Rahu Kaal, Gulika Kaal, and Yamaganda Kaal: The Panchangam also indicates the inauspicious time periods known as Rahu Kaal, Gulika Kaal, and Yamaganda Kaal for each day of the month. These time intervals are associated with malefic planetary influences and are considered unfavorable for initiating new activities or ventures.
  8. Chandrashtama (Lunar Transit): The monthly Panchangam may also indicate the periods of Chandrashtama, during which the Moon transits through the eighth house from an individual's natal Moon sign. This period is believed to be unfavorable for making important decisions or starting new ventures.
  9. Special Observances and Festivals: The Panchangam includes information about special observances, festivals, and significant astrological events occurring during the month.

Overall, a monthly Panchangam serves as a guide for individuals to plan their activities and events in alignment with the celestial influences and auspicious timings, ensuring success, prosperity, and spiritual well-being.